Hello Friends. I’m Sarah.

Thanks for joining me here. I’m passionate about sharing inspiration related to living in connection to nature and others, growing food, mothering, urban homesteading, personal growth and more. Here’s a bit of recent history about this space:

I started this blog in 2012, under the title ‘thrifty good life’.

It was a place for me to write about the wondrous discovery of a new way of living, which I was eager to share. Having learned the concept of thrift because of hard times, (health struggles, financial pressure, living in a small house with four children) and then falling in love with growing my own food, urban homesteading and simple living - I couldn’t help but share. I felt amazed at the discovery that being forced to live simply (with thrift) could actually be the secret to living ‘the good life’.

As one thing led to another, I became passionate about how our health and well being improved drastically through being connected to our food, slowing down and embracing simplicity. Our journey was also unique, because we live in a small house on 1/5 acre in a Downtown neighborhood. My family farming adventures take place in a suburban environment.

I homeschooled our four daughters for about 10 years. All of the magic and discovery of growing food, learning how to raise animals for meat, building our own bread oven, etc… happened during those years of learning at home together. What a special time it was. I turned those original blog posts into a book with the same title, which is full of gardening tips, funny stories of mistakes, discoveries and recipes.

As nature has taught me, life is constant change.

I’m excited to continue sharing content from our life journey - still very much connected to growth. Instead of sharing only about my food & urban homesteading journey - I now hope to incorporate much more of what I’m learning.

‘Living in Plenty’ is an appropriate title for not just my blog, but my life. When I chose the name Plenty Heirloom Farms for our urban farm idea… I had no idea how many times the word plenty would help to bring me back to gratitude and abundance.

I believe, whether we realize it or not - we are always surrounded by plenty.

Because I spend so much time outside, most of what I expect to share will be sparked by nature’s abundance.

I am learning how to juggle the dynamics of running our urban farm (plentyfarms.org), managing our Airbnb, mothering teen girls, loving my family and prioritizing time for myself. I’m learning how to make time for creativity and play. I’m learning how to feel sadness and grief on a regular basis. I’m learning how to embrace and include all aspects of my spiritual journey.

I thrive when I share vulnerably with others. I hope to connect with you and hear some of your journey as well!

Thanks for being here!
